
There are two types of people in the world, those who seek Truth and those who don't.
October 17th 2024

The Big Ship

Earth has a rounded shape, through hydrostatic equilibrium, with an average diameter of approximately 8,000 miles. Manhattan Island is approximately 13.4 miles long and about 2.3 miles wide at its widest point. It is likely cities or civilizations exist right under our feet. We live on the deck of the ship and first class travelers are living down below in safety and comfort. We can only imagine what's deep inside this planet as she slow sails across the galaxy. Think about it.

The Nazis Sure Did...

October 17th 2024

Election Certification

Election Certification

Federal law requires states to deliver certified Electoral College
results to the vice president, serving as president of the Senate,
and other parties by the fourth Wednesday in December; in the year
2024 that date falls on Dec. 25.


A joint session of Congress is required by the 12th Amendment to
count the electoral votes and declare the winners of the presidential
election. That joint session of Congress will be held on Jan. 6,
2025, at 1 p.m. If there are delays related to the count in Congress
or a contingent election, those processes would need to be finished
by noon on Jan. 20, 2025, for the next president and vice president
to take their oaths of office.

Must be nice being in the position to oversee the certification of your own election.

Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal...

October 15th 2024


Yehoshua was denied entry into Jerusalem by the establishment at the time - the Scribes (lawyers), Pharisees (politicians), Chief Priests (rabbis) and Elders (Senior Executive Service) who all sought to destroy him. They did not recognize him as the Moshiach (Messiah) and the eastern gate of Jerusalem has been sealed shut ever since he defiantly entered the city. Kotel is the Hebrew word for wall. The Western Wall in the old city of Jerusalem is all that remains of the Temple that was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. They rejected Yehoshua as a blood heir of Elohim. So, there the Elohim worship cult stands today and prays for their Moshiach to come.

Yehoshua the Anti-Establishment Gangster

"The days shall come to you when your enemies shall surround you
and they shall press you in from every side." "And they shall destroy
you and your children within you and they shall not leave you one
stone standing on another, because you did not know the time of
your visitation." And when he entered The Temple he began to cast
out those who bought and sold in it.  And he said to them, "It is
written: 'My house is the house of prayer', but you have made it a
den of robbers.'"

—Luke 19:43-46

He Clearly Pissed Them ALL Off...

October 14th 2024

Lunar Linear Structure

Is the Moon an Ark?

October 12th 2024

Hydrogen Cars too Dangerous

The Hydrogen Problem has been SOLVED...

October 12th 2024


A montage of an Anomolous Aerial Object (UAP) photographed in Sarasota FL on May 1st 2021.

Keep Looking Down at your Cellphone...

October 11th 2024


A montage of an Anomolous Aerial Object (UAP) photographed in Sarasota FL on September 5th 2022.

People Never Look Up...

October 10th 2024


We are all flesh and blood and there really isn't much difference between us. So what makes a human Powerful? What distinguishes one bag of water and fluid from the other?


Having vast amounts of money provides a human the ability to do what most can't, purchase ANYTHING they want. With money you can acquire any material object, any human resource like genius problem solving, labor and attention, and you can procure technology. You can hire armies to protect you and cause harm to your enemies.


With influence comes great power because having the ability to shape human thinking and perspective means you can steer the direction of society towards your own selfish aim. With influence you can command through a hierarchical chain of obedience. And with money you can purchase influencers to influence. This requires owning media and the technology to deliver influential information. Your lie can only be efficacious through influence via deception.


You can't have power without having access to things others don't. Access to information, people, technology, that most if not all DON'T have access to gives you power. Examples of information access could be satellite data, ancient knowledge, archaeological discoveries, plans, logistics, policy, decisions, etc. You need influence to command people who give you access to the information and technology to use for your own selfish aim.


None of this would be possible without secrecy. You can't have privileged access to influence and technology without secrecy. You can't implement plans and policy that benefit you if everyone knows what you are doing. This is why secrecy is critical to power. It allows one to operate with impunity in order to achieve the selfish aim.

A House of Cards

The funny thing is that none of these structures are actually real. They only exist though the mechanism of human believing. You can't have a society based on a monetary system that you control without the fervent religious belief that money is real. You can't have wealth without scarcity. Abundance is antithetical to scarcity, so you better ensure there is NO abundance in human society. Access, influence and secrecy are all dependent on human believing as well. We can only be influenced by what we allow ourselves to be influenced by. The stronger, more independent, and critical the thinking of an individual, the less likely they are to be influenced in ways that are detrimental to them. Social stratification is a false construct based on money. Money has inverted society and has replaced the natural order of merit. If all humans were committed to transparency, access and secrecy couldn't exist. If humans don't cooperate, there is no power.


So, essentially, all "power" is a human perception based on a lie. It is an illusion. It is a game we are all playing and power exists ONLY through the cooperation of the participants playing the game. These are the attributes of a child species that hasn't entered adulthood by embracing their individual sovereignty. Until minds start changing, human perception will remain the same and the world will continue on its current path. If however, Truth is the goal of enough monkeys, then the fires of change can be lit and a revolution of the human mind can alter the course of human history towards a future of self determination.

Dark to Light

October 9th 2024

Milton Live Webcams

Hang On...

October 7th 2024


Let me explain what I know from experience about the pineal or the third eye. It is an interface into an optical plasma realm. Since the universe aka existence is 99.999% plasma, this is the default state of thought, consciousness and universal non-local connectivity. It is the metaphysical. It is the potentiality of thought. When plasma is transduced to a lower harmonic frequency range it takes on density and material form, this is the realm we call atomic matter. We exist in both of these realms simultaneously. That's where our duality comes from. Since the plasma realm is a conduit for consciousness and the precursor to matter, it is also an information field. The place where communication takes place between realms. This communication can be a visual manifestation that is seen by the third eye where formations convey messages to the viewer. It is part of the dream world where dream memories are stored. It is a parallel state of our awareness and depending on how much sleep you get is a place we spend about 1/3 of our lives in. It is a state of awareness we call spiritual, mystical, etc., a place where we can see sacred geometry take form. This geometry is expressed everywhere in the beautiful ancient stone churches. It is as much a part of our natural existence as any other part of our life. The reason it is so esoteric is because we don't examine it and try to understand it, instead, most deny that part of themselves. This is why the Catholics on ash Wednesday smudge ash on the forehead as an attempt to block out our inner sight to God and access to the real church which lives within us. It is our direct link to the heavenly realm of our ancestors. It's probably located in the Kordylewski Clouds where all life information for the earth locale is stored. Anyway, the third eye is literally insight, which is seeing from within. This is where the term "seer" comes from. It is where remote viewing occurs also. It is as natural a part of our physiology as breathing or seeing with our external eyes. At times, it can be a glimpse outside of linear time into the kingdom of heaven.

The Truth and the Light is Within You

October 6th 2024

Bankers (((The REAL Useless Eaters)))

The legacy system called civilization, that which we live in today, impedes natural human development. How are the productive in our society like researchers, innovators, inventors, engineers and builders enabled? What are the requirements necessary for them to produce and contribute to the advancement of human civilization? Well, they obviously need food and water. They need a comfortable living environment where they can sleep, shower, eat, relax and work. They need a material base of technological necessities such as clothing, furniture, appliances, tools, plumbing, electricity, HVAC and all items that support human life. They need good physical and mental health with low stress to help them be more productive. Access to information and communication with others. Transportation if their work requires travel. Education and access to learning resources. Access to ALL the information in the field of their expertise. Ability to communicate with peers and the tools necessary for the development of their contribution. You get the idea. Simple, practical things.

How does our inefficient and completely broken society ACTUALLY function? The productive MUST first and foremost seek a way to make MONEY. Money issued by banks. They must take ANY job that is close to their skill set - OR NOT. Serving coffee or waiting tables might have to do. They must make money and gift their talent and skill to an employer and give a cut of their earnings to the government. Those who don't contribute to society are given money, food, and shelter by this same government. Those who DO achieve a station to productively contribute to society are penalized via an extortion we call taxes and are threatened with imprisonment by force if they don't pay up. No good deed goes unpunished.

Liquidity and Investment

Today ALL human enterprise, especially high tech critical technology is driven by "investors" aka the banks; who are principally the owners and issuers of "credit". They steer the direction of what humans are going to develop to advance our civilization. If this tiny minority of credit issuers want Artificial Intelligence in order to help make their job of complete and total control of the planet easier, then they will fund that endeavor. If they want digital tags to surveil, track and trace every human on the planet like a herd of cattle, they will fund biotechnology and nanotechnology using liquidity called currency as credit, like farmers using water to nourish a crop. This stolen and fraudulent fiat wealth will also purchase, buy out, take over (hostile) or destroy any successful business endeavor that may emerge naturally, independent and beyond their scope of influence. If they deem a business as any kind of threat to their grip and control of society, it will be either destroyed or subverted. It will NOT be allowed to operate outside of their domain. Ever wonder where all those great, wonderful, inventions beneficial to human society have gone? They were black holed by a hidden hand of dark power. The economic slave society we live in today is antithetical to the natural order. It is an abomination and criminal subversion of the divine intention of God.

Yes, THEY are Doing "God's Work"

October 5th 2024

They're All Looking Up

What Are They Looking At?

October 5th 2024

King of the World

This kingdom is Agharti

It extends throughout all the subterranean passages of the whole
world...all the subterranean caves of America are inhabited by the
ancient people who have disappeared underground.  Traces of them
are still found on the surface of the land. These subterranean
peoples and spaces are governed by rulers owing allegiance to the
King of the World. In it there is not much of the wonderful. You
know that in the two greatest oceans of the east and the west there
were formerly two continents. They disappeared under the water but
their people went into the subterranean kingdom. In underground
caves there exists a peculiar light which affords growth to the
grains and vegetables and long life without disease to the people.
There are many different peoples and many different tribes.  An old
Buddhist Brahman in Nepal was carrying out the will of the Gods in
making a visit to the ancient kingdom of Jenghiz,—Siam,—where
he met a fisherman who ordered him to take a place in his boat and
sail with him upon the sea. On the third day they reached an island
where he met a people having two tongues which could speak separately
in different languages...These people told him that they had come
up out of the subterranean kingdom and described to him certain
parts of the underground country.

The capital of Agharti is surrounded with towns of high priests and
scientists...The throne of the King of the World is surrounded by
millions of incarnated Gods. They are the Holy Panditas. The palace
itself is encircled by the palaces of the Goro, who possess all the
visible and invisible forces of the earth, of inferno and of the
sky and who can do everything for the life and death of man.  If
our mad humankind should begin a war against them, they would be
able to explode the whole surface of our planet and transform it
into deserts. They can dry up the seas, transform lands into oceans
and scatter the mountains into the sands of the deserts. By his
order trees, grasses and bushes can be made to grow; old and feeble
men can become young and stalwart; and the dead can be resurrected.

Some of them course among the stars, observe their events, their
unknown peoples, their life and their laws. They listen to their
talk, read their books, understand their fortunes and woes, their
holiness and sins, their piety and evil.

The King of the World will appear before all people when the time
shall have arrived for him to lead all the good people of the world
against all the bad; but this time has not yet come. The most evil
among mankind have not yet been born.

—Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski “Beasts, Men and Gods”

More and more the people will forget their souls and care about
their bodies. The greatest sin and corruption will reign on the
earth. People will become as ferocious animals, thirsting for the
blood and death of their brothers.


The enemies of God and of the Divine Spirit in man will come.


Father shall rise against son, brother against brother and mother
against daughter. . . . Vice, crime and the destruction of body and
soul shall follow. . . . Families shall be scattered. . . . Truth
and love shall disappear.


Then I shall send a people, now unknown, which shall tear out the
weeds of madness and vice with a strong hand and will lead those
who still remain faithful to the spirit of man in the fight against
Evil. They will found a new life on the earth purified by the death
of nations.  In the fiftieth year only three great kingdoms will
appear, which will exist happily seventy-one years. Afterwards there
will be eighteen years of war and destruction. Then the peoples of
Agharti will come up from their subterranean caverns to the surface
of the earth.

—Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski “Beasts, Men and Gods”

To Conceal this Knowledge from Humankind is a Sin...

October 4th 2024

God Will Tell Us

When It's Time...

October 4th 2024

Countries Sending Aid

We Are the World...

October 4th 2024

Good Samaritan Law

Federal Good Samaritan Law

The Federal Good Samaritan Law refers to a set of laws that provide
legal protection to individuals who provide reasonable assistance
to those in distress or emergency situations without expectation
of payment or compensation. While most Good Samaritan laws are
state-specific, there are federal laws that apply to specific

Key Provisions

Aviation Medical Assistance Act (AMAA) of 1998: This federal law
provides immunity to physicians and other healthcare providers who
render medical care outside their usual clinical setting, such as
on an aircraft.

Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act of 1996: This federal
law protects individuals and businesses from liability when donating
food in “good faith” to non-profit organizations that feed
people in need.

General Principles

The protection is intended to reduce bystanders’ hesitation to
assist, as they are shielded from negligence claims and liability
for unintentional injury or wrongful death.

Most Good Samaritan laws protect individuals who provide care without
expectation of payment or compensation.

Federal and state laws vary in their scope, coverage, and definitions
of “good faith” donations.

Notable Exceptions

Physicians and healthcare providers are under no legal obligation
to provide assistance in emergency situations, but federal and state
laws may offer immunity or protection for those who do.

Each state has its version of the Good Samaritan law, and federal
laws apply to specific circumstances, such as the AMAA and the Bill
Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act.


The Federal Good Samaritan Law provides a framework for individuals
to assist those in distress or emergency situations without fear
of legal repercussions. While there are variations in state and
federal laws, the general principle of protecting individuals who
provide care without expectation of payment or compensation remains
a cornerstone of these laws

Where Are the Birds?

FEMA: Only donations from preferred vendors list allowed...

October 4th 2024

Hell Broke Luce

And Left, Right, Left

October 3rd 2024

You Want to Control People?

Tell Them a Messiah Will Come...

October 3rd 2024

Moshiach Still Hasn't Come

So Do Something to Hasten His Coming...

October 3rd 2024

The Iran Plan

In 2005 a meeting was held in the City of London called The Anglo Saxon Mission. One of the main objectives of this mission was for Israel to provoke Iran into an armed conflict in order to drag China into a world war. The reason the western Anglo/American power elite are planning for this, is so China can be taken off the global chess board in a military defeat before the coming planetary reset arrives. Western power intends to REMAIN in power and be the dominant civilization during the advent of the next age.

The Iran Narrative

In order for the Anglo Saxon Mission to succeed, western media must spin a unified narrative identifying Iran as an existential threat. Now that City of London proxy Israel has successfully accomplished its task of provoking Iran into a military conflict, the orchestrated media campaign is swiftly underway.

News Headlines

The China Narrative

All Intelligence Community shills have been activated and are out in full force spinning and weaving the "Big Bad" China is an existential threat narrative across all their news media outlets, laying the groundwork for China entering the war.

News Headlines

The Trump Narrative

Now that the 2024 U.S. Presidential election is at hand and it looks like Trump will be the 47th president, the groundwork continues to be laid to corral Trump onto a war footing and define the threats so he will be sympathetic to the plan without revealing the true City of London mission to him.

News Headlines

This is ONLY the Beginning...

October 1st 2024

An Orb in Heaven


October 1st 2024

Appearance of the Agarthans in 2029

Inner Earth

One land that is undeniably green and which is named after its
purported colour is Greenland, and here we find another curious
tale of the inner Earth. Greenland was settled by Vikings from
Iceland in the tenth century, beginning with the voyage of Erik the
Red in 985, who arrived with a fleet of fourteen long ships. The
Norsemen soon established two settlements with hundreds of farms,
and at their peak comprised over three thousand settlers. However,
by 1450 the inhabitants were gone, without a trace. Where did they
go? We find a clue in an Eskimo tradition, which recounts how the
Vikings migrated north to the land of the endless summer and descended
into a land of eternal bliss inside the earth, the inner Earth.


Olaf Jansen, a Norwegian who sailed with his father through an
entrance to the Earth’s interior at the North Pole, having been
forced off course by a terrible storm. For two years Jansen lived
with the inhabitants of an underground network of colonies who were
twelve feet tall and whose world was lit by a smoky central sun.
Their capital city was known as the Garden of Eden and consisted
of an elder race who lived up to eight hundred years old. Jansen
and his father rode on fast objects with revolving wheels that
defied gravity. Ultimately they escaped, but in the process Olaf’s
father died. Jansen was rescued by fishermen, recounted his sensational
story, and was swiftly placed in an asylum for the insane for the
next twenty years of his life.


Saint-Yves d’Alveydre added that the civilisation of Agartha
transferred underground around 3200 BCE and that millions of
inter-terrestrials remain there, ruled by priest-kings, their
language being Vattan/Vattanian. He also cited many physical
attributes of the Agarthans: for instance, the fact that they have
two tongues and can speak different languages simultaneously.


The tradition of Agartha continued to evolve and in 1922 a Polish
scientist by the name of Ferdinand Ossendowski (1876-1945) published
his own account, Beasts, Men and Gods, which featured the prophecy
of the return of the inter-terrestrials to the surface of the Earth.
His account stated that the King of the World, who lives in Agartha,
met with the Lamas (gurus and/or spiritually advanced leaders in
Tibetan Buddhism) in 1890 and informed them of the events that would
precede his people’s return. 

These included:

    fifty years of strife and misery 
    seventy-one years of happiness under three great kingdoms 
    eighteen years of war, followed by
    the appearance of the Agarthans in 2029


    Although those with special affiliation may actually be able
    to go there through their karmic connection, nevertheless it
    is not a physical place that we can actually find. We can only
    say that it is a pure land, a pure land in the human realm. And
    unless one has the merit and the actual karmic association, one
    cannot actually arrive there.

This quotation is fascinating and states that the inner Earth is
real; civilisations exist there, but unless you are from there,
unless your ancestors are connected to it, you cannot go there. In
my own quest, and in my confidential conversations with an alleged
and seemingly credible representative of the inner Earth, I have
been told the same thing. My requests to be shown the inner Earth,
to act as its advocate, have been met with the same defiance: your
ancestors need to have lived there in order for you to go there.


We see at a great distance a new world stirring from the ruins of
your race, seeking its lost and legendary treasures, and they will
be here, my son, safe in our keeping.

When that time arrives, we shall come forward again to help revive
your culture and your race.


Memorandum on Safeguarding United States National Interests in 
the Arctic and Antarctic Regions

To help protect our national interests in the Arctic and Antarctic
regions, and to retain a strong Arctic security presence alongside
our allies and partners, the United States requires a ready, capable,
and available fleet of polar security icebreakers that is operationally
tested and fully deployable by Fiscal Year 2029. Accordingly, by
the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the
laws of the United States of America, I hereby direct the following:

Section 1. Fleet Acquisition Program. The United States will develop
and execute a polar security icebreaking fleet acquisition program
that supports our national interests in the Arctic and Antarctic




Race to the Rainbow City...