
The quality of the relationship leaders in government have with the people they govern can only be as good as the quality of relationships they have with the people in their personal lives.
January 31st 2025


January 30th 2025


January 25th 2025

The Others

Here are some conclusions I have come to based on over a decade of direct interaction and observation with the known "unknown" anomalous phenomena that is appearing in our atmosphere.

First off, stop thinking in terms of "craft". That is a legacy term and is inappropriate for what we are dealing with today. The scientific community needs to quickly start thinking in terms of plasma, sentience, and the technological capability to synthesize matter. As Robert Temple theorized, the Birkeland currents are not only local, they form an intergalactic neural network of sentient interconnection. The intelligence that has been PROVEN present in our atmosphere does not originate from any known technology originating from human intelligence located on the surface of planet earth. It is NOT us folks. Period. What we have, is instead co-location via what our physicists call "quantum entanglement". The instantaneous co-location of input via a remote location. This intelligence uses plasma to remotely instantiate the necessary technology inserted into our atmosphere for the means to collect data about our planetary context. They have and are studying us, THEY have initiated contact with us, not the other way around. THEY are observing us. They understand our atomic matter physiology, the technology of our biology, and have established communication on a much deeper level within the human psyche that bypasses the superficiality and limitations of language. They communicate information on the level of intuition and imagery via the pineal aka. Third Eye. They have a keen and deep awareness of personal, karmic ties humans have with each other. They can see though the superficiality of the material containers we call bodies.

Our atmosphere is filled with orbs that have been fabricated locally and deployed as full spectrum remote input devices that feed an input stream to either/or an advanced AI intelligence and or living observational intelligence. These orbs are NOT craft; think of them as computer mouse pointers, moved and controlled remotely. It is likely the origin of control could be light years away. This technology acts as an input device facilitating the co-location of consciousness instantaneously to earths atmosphere. They are observing us for the most part. They are interacting subtly with apparently those of us who are aware of them. It seems to me they are very selective with those whom they choose to Trust as humans are untrustworthy creatures lacking the integrity necessary for a meaningful interactive engagement.

Plasma, is a natural and ubiquitous "first state" natural resource that forms the basis of atomic matter. Intelligently used, it can provide the means to explore the cosmos w/out the necessity of physical travel over great distances. Once a location is established, instantaneous synthesis of technological assets and consciousness input facilitation is possible. Imagine being able to instantiate an array of orbs to any remote locale and then beam your awareness into any point of physical remote termination as if you were actually there at the location. This is what they are doing. They are not hiding it either. I have come to find they are very open and forthcoming about their presence here. Any problems and difficulties experienced are coming from the human end. Humans tend to project their myopic perception of reality on to this phenomena therefore, being inadequately capable to comprehend the reality of this presence in any constructive way. The default is to see them as a threat and attempt to destroy or capture any of these exotic external assets.

We are dealing with an advanced, highly capable intelligence that appears to be extending help in the form of specific technological demonstrations that they chose to display to us; carefully selected because we are capable of understanding and building ourselves. If we are successful in replicating this technology, it will transform our species in ways that are unimaginable and bring about peace and prosperity on a level we can't even begin to comprehend. For humans to synthesize matter, would be an evolutionary quantum leap forward for our species. This is an extraordinary gift to bestow upon a primitive, violent, warring, self destructive, selfish species such as ours. They KNOW our predicament. They SEE how we are trapped in an ancient slave system that was installed when earth was colonized and humans were engineered. They are reaching out to US, it appears WE are NOT paying attention.

The REAL gift they are giving us is Liberation

January 12th 2025



January 5th 2024

The Elephant

I dreamed of a great elephant that was at the top of the house, destroying the supports of the structure one by one. It started ferociously banging and hammering on the main beam. I said, this is the main beam, it is too strong and thick, take out the smaller beams first. The elephant kept beating on the main support beam. I left for a time and when I returned, the house had fallen and the structure had collapsed, the elephant had fallen with it. The animal was mortally wounded and dying. I wasn't sure if it would recover.

DC Demolition?

January 2nd 2025

Our Father in Heaven

When scripture talks about "Our Father in Heaven" it is referring to the creative mind, the intelligence who engineered the physical reality of atomic matter that we are all immersed in. Our existence is design, architecture and technology; a system of systems that constitutes the materium. The DNA that forms our biological corpus is a result set of code instructions executed as a program that runs our biology. Our awareness is the observer who experiences this glorious reality through the interface we call the human body. We don't regulate any of these systems, they operate autonomously as background processes; this is called "life". Our body is the input device to this realm. We have been given this gift of life to be free, walk about, do things, and contribute to our own existence. We are creators and can direct and co-create our individuated lives; all it requires is vision and the will to engage.

The Garden

Scripture asserts we were originally in a state of perfection, living virtually eternal lives in paradise. There was abundance, joy, love and happiness filling our lives worshiping the work of the creator. We were built for this type of existence. We had a direct communion with our father creator via an internal communication device called the pineal gland otherwise known as the "Third Eye". This afforded us a dual connection between physical reality and the etheric plasma reality referred to in scripture as "Heaven", the kingdom where our "Father" dwells. Essentially, we are biological hardware nodes that can operate independently while also having a wireless network connection to the metaphysical. We existed both in external physical reality and in the plasma realm of heaven. This is known as "Duality"; existing on dual frequency bands simultaneously. We experience material reality, living and breathing within this realm while also living in the etheric realm, having access via a universal neural network to the knowledge base of the eternal mind. This helped us navigate this realm when we incarnate, with direct access to all the information necessary for us to learn, grow and contribute. Then something went wrong.

The Adversary

A group of creators from the "Angelic" realm took an interest in this exquisite creation. They wanted to test the resilience of the engineered supersystem. They had their own ideas that challenged the creator's design and were opposed to the perfect, idyllic life bestowed upon the biological flesh and blood beings existing in the material density. This disagreement resulted in a war in the heavenly realm and the insurrectionists were cast out, plunging down to the realm of atomic matter; cut off from the kingdom, they were trapped here. Taking the very ancient knowledge of heaven with them, they built a mirror kingdom inside the materium. They needed assistance, so they hacked human DNA to reconfigure these biological machines to suit their needs. This was permitted as the creator allows free will within the creation. Mankind, coexisting in the material realm, was deceived by the adversary and so too was cut off from heaven and the creator. Human biological life became shorter and the inner eye to heaven was shut. Man was thrust into survival mode, marooned alone in the realm of atomic matter, there was panic and great sorrow. This reality was quarantined, isolated like a computer virus and reentry to the kingdom was denied. Every human life had to learn to find a way back, repeating lives over and over in physical reality attempting to find their way home.

It's Biblical...