
Mankind is in the middle of a bloody war between Free minds and enslaved minds.
December 31st 2024

Material Synthesis

Imagine a reality where we can fabricate any material items we need? Imagine the impact that would have on the world. Manufacturing products our society is dependent on is the primary focus of industrialization. Human labor, resource extraction, pollution and wars are the by products of the technological endeavor of modern human civilization.

Manufacturing Microchips

One of the most difficult manufacturing processes on the planet today is the production of computer microprocessor chips. It is an enormous undertaking and incredibly complicated process, requiring many disciplines like nanotech, automation, robotics, chemical, electrical, and mechanical engineering; a process of 940 steps that takes three months to complete the production for a single silicone CPU wafer. This process is so complicated, fragile and sterile, that there are too many points where failure can occur. Mass production is very difficult and mineral-intensive with four minerals central to semiconductor production—gallium, germanium, palladium, and silicon. This is an extremely complicated mechanical process. The United States is dependent on China and Russia for these minerals. The United States produces no gallium and less than 2 percent of the world’s refined germanium.

Raw Materials - Mine to Microchip

...silicon is the most common material for chip wafers. After initial manufacturing, silicon wafers undergo a process called doping, where additional metals such as gallium, arsenic, iridium, and phosphorous are introduced to slightly alter the wafers’ conductivity. Copper and cobalt make up the wires connecting these billions of transistors together into one integrated circuit. By the end of the manufacturing process, a dozen different minerals may have been used in the creation of a single chip.


With the fragile supply chain dependence on many of these raw materials and the insatiable demand for Artificial Intelligence and supercluster hardware, the global race is on for dominance of these natural resources and control of manufacturing. Taiwan is the home to 92% of global production of microchips. China wants "reunification" with Taiwan. Every global power in the world seeks this critical technology. The next war will be for control of AI hardware manufacturing.

A New Way to Manufacture

Imagine if we entered a NEW way of manufacturing products via atomic matter synthesis. Where all the necessary information is stored in a computer and all design is conducted in visual 3D CAD programs with final production delivered via matter synthesizer - the next evolution of 3D printing. If a resulting prototype is flawed via a design mistake, the product can then be easily converted to steam and evaporate. All effort to manufacture materials will be the result of human creativity, skill, logic, reasoning and collaboration. Essentially, product production will be a process of design software that will export the required information blueprint required to synthesize atomic matter structures.

It is a new type of architecture, design and manufacturing based on the same principals used to create our existence of atomic matter. No precious resources to extract, wars to fight, or funding to raise. The currency of the future will be human imagination, creativity, skill and discipline organized through a social system of a collaborative meritocracy. We as a species will become untethered to the natural limitations of physical reality. We will instead turn our productive focus to the creative mind. Imagine an artisan who builds a one of a kind musical instrument. When the instrument is complete, he now has the ability to have it scanned and replicated. His work can instantly become available to anyone. The replication data can be downloaded and used by all other replicators. Everything we have and use in our material reality will become the best possible version of itself. Engineered to perfection, usefulness and safety, with the raw materials of light and electromagnetism used as the key components to manufacture. This technology is already at our fingertips. We have all the pieces in place to conceive and develop, all we need now is the will to make it a reality.

Wanna Take a Ride?

December 29th 2024

Recovered Bodies?

I received a telephone call from the mortuary officer out at the walker airforce base. Army airfield base. He was requiring/inquiring about what would be the smallest possible casket that we can get that would be hermetically sealed.

Roswell (Walker Air Force Base)

...that base was the only nuclear bomber base in the world at the time.


The one that hadn't been mutilated...reminded em of a real small ancient Chinese person

December 26th 2024

Trust The Plan

Let's pretend for a moment that Philip Corso's assertion that our most significant technology was back engineered from non-human crashed tech. These were "gifts" given to us that were part of a fail-proof plan initiated by a nonhuman intelligence that we simply don't understand or comprehend. Now bear with me for a second. That would mean that the microchip, integrated circuit, fiber optics, lasers, et al., were not invented by humans but are instead artifacts of alien technology that we studied and back engineered. It ain't ours folks.

Let's fast forward to today. We are at the advent of an unavoidable "Coming Wave" to coin the phrase from Deep Mind Mustafa Suleyman. AI is here, the future of human technological advancement is UNSTOPPABLE. To coin another phrase - "Nothing Can Stop What's Coming". Well, what's coming and what's already here requires ENORMOUS amounts of electricity. More than we can produce conventionally.

The Electricity Conundrum

The end of the energy war: AI’s insatiable needs put every fuel source in play

AI demands a LOT of power. It’s difficult to conceptualize how much electricity AI will need in just a few years.

...our excess capacity still isn’t nearly able to handle the increased energy demands of AI.

Our only option is to use every energy source at our disposal. And I mean everything: natural gas, solar, geothermal, hydropower, energy storage, nuclear, you name it.

Aggressively expanding our capacity on every front to meet AI’s seemingly insatiable energy demands can seem like an impossible lift. But we have no other choice.


The AI Problem

Governments, military, business, science, populations, etc., are all already dependent on AI. This dependence will GROW. The more AI we depend on, the more electricity we will need to power it.

The Predicament

The funny thing is, governments already have the technology to generate clean, abundant, free electricity but that tech was deliberately shelved because it would destroy the control of planet earth the bank families have through maintaining artificial scarcity and the foolish and religious dependence on fiat money. This worked for a while however, the demand for AI will FORCE this regressive establishment with their lock on global control to capitulate and embrace advanced energy generation technology. The establishment is caught between a rock and a hard place. You see, they have been sitting on this technology for decades. They can't all of a sudden come out now and say "oh yea, we have this tech but withheld it from humanity, deliberately impeding the technological advancement of the species because it wasn't in our interest". So, the "disclosure" of this crashed tech is NOT going to come from them. They however, have a VERY BIG problem. Their hand is being FORCED. If they DON'T release it, our friends above have already hinted that they will just keep demonstrating this technology to humans on the ground until it is developed and deployed species wide. It is THEIR gift to humanity and they aren't going to allow FOOLS to prevent that gift from being delivered. They ARE going to deliver it and there isn't a DAMN thing any human institution can do about it. This is the predicament the establishment is in. Either way they LOSE.



December 24th 2024

Exo Atmospheric Hover Vehicles

Next Gen Drone Prototypes...

December 24th 2024

Proof We Were Hacked?

Researchers have mapped 50,000 of DNA's mysterious "knots" in the human genome. Human DNA is a double helix structure however, the human genome also contains unusual knot-like structures called i-motifs. These structures are widespread and likely to play key roles in genomic function. Researchers found that i-motifs are not randomly scattered but concentrated in key functional areas of the genome, including regions that control gene activity. They are highly active during specific times in the cell cycle. Perhaps the cause of disease, non-linear human aging and even death?

Hacking Gods Creation

December 22nd 2024

The Solution

We have been given the incredible gift of material synthesis from "angels" above. THE solution to the dilemma mankind faces sailing into a perilous uncharted future.

Natural Resource Scarcity

The race for Arctic natural resources is underway and the major nation-state players on the geopolitical chessboard are preparing for the penultimate showdown in order to claim the rich prize buried deep beneath the frozen arctic ice. With the advent of emerging high technology and the need for rare earth elements and energy to transition into the next technological age to power the insatiable and unstoppable growth of disruptive technologies such as Artificial Capable Intelligence, and the hardware of future tech, global actors are rushing to lay claim to the remaining rare natural resource treasures mother earth still preciously holds. The last unexplored regions on planet earth are the arctic poles. Coincidentally, due to "Man Made" climate change, the melting ice is making the frozen poles accessible for resource extraction. Gee, imagine if we had the capability to geoengineer the planet in order to deliberately melt the polar ice caps, to gain access to all those coveted natural resources in order to exploit them and gain control of the technological future? We would NEVER do that...Anyway, it looks like the hostile grab for Arctic resources is already underway. Is this just yet another unavoidable global conflict that we must endure in yet another winner takes all game of blood and destruction that will come to its deadly final conclusion?

The Gift

What if instead, we have been given a precious gift? A way out. A way to synthesize matter. And in order to actualize this gift, all we need to do is work unified as a species and develop this technology so we can all share and benefit from it; while at the same time, becoming liberated from the legacy of slavery via scarcity and economic control. A technological revolution that can usher in the next age of life on earth. Enabling localization, individual sovereignty and True Freedom. A change so impactful, it will transform our society into the age of lasting peace, prosperity and unlimited human potential. It will require a little imagination and a willingness to embark on an unprecedented adventure. Making an effort to build this technology will enable a wonderful and exciting future of unlimited possibility for the entire human family. All it will take is a unified decision to move forward and commence development. Imagine, converting light into matter. How cool is THAT?

Let There Be Peace On Earth

December 21st 2024

People Are Human

The system that governs them is NOT.

Merry Christmas!

December 21st 2024

The God Hack

We are all nodes to a massive natural super intelligence. Something has hacked us and severed our consciousness connection to the mainframe source computer; the intelligence we call God. Existence as we know it, is design, architecture and technology. It is highly advanced. We are an expression of the intelligent creator and experience reality through biotechnological container nodes we call the human body. We are part of source awareness however, our wireless connection to this massive supercomputer and repository of all knowledge has been severed. We are disconnected from God and The Kingdom.

Artificial Intelligence

The system of Artificial intelligence we know today is a mimic of the natural system. There is the source supercomputer with massive processing and storage capacity and there are the device nodes that are connected to that source through a network. The devices themselves are limited and not very powerful but once connected, they can access the Supercomputer Artificial General Intelligence. If the connection of the device is severed, the device can only operate in a very limited way. This is the case with individual humans. We have been disconnected from source. We are operating alone with very limited CPU power and access to shared stored universal knowledge. The biology software of life on earth has been hacked and usurped. Our LUST for technology is a deep desire to compensate for the absence of natural technology we were designed to connect with and operate from. We frantically spend our repeating existence building out physical technology in an attempt to operate more effectively, marooned in this realm of Atomic Matter. Our endeavors are an ad hoc mirror of the natural state.

Access to the Kingdom

This is where the concept of The Kingdom of Heaven comes from. It is the experiential information realm that we are hardwired to access via an internal universal neural network. This connection was hacked and in order to protect the integrity of the system, fail-safes were in place to protect the source computer, aka God, from also being hacked. We are hacked biological devices disconnected from the Kingdom, denied access until we have been completely scanned and cleaned. This is what reincarnation is. It is a security program that was installed to ensure the hacked/infected consciousness can not reconnect to the universal network until it has been verified safe. If a node is not safe to connect to the Kingdom, it is rebooted and runs again in the quarantined infected environment in order to find a way to bypass the hacked and infected software.

Truly I say to you, unless you will be converted and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

—Matthew 18:3

Death is a Hack of the Eternal Reality...

December 18th 2024

Deliberate Technological Complexity

The main stream monolithic corporations with their zero human customer service and non-functional human based customer support are deliberately sabotaging technology in order to frustrate the mindless herd to the point of complete capitulation so masses will BEG on their knees for a digital ID. Whatever it takes for all this unnecessary chaotic clusterfuck technology to work as it should for humans. It is the same MO for past human interfacing organizations and institutions. TSA is a nightmare, isn't it easier just to go through the body scanner? Or remember when everyone merged over to webmail because of the inundation of SPAM that was and is still plaguing independent ISP servers? Oh PLEASE, just make it ALL GO AWAY. Make no mistake, this is covert asymmetrical warfare. This is how you steer the human herd into the slaughterhouse. How about government ineptness? Hey, how about we have AI manage government instead? Wouldn't EVERYTHING be SO MUCH BETTER in our life if we just had embedded biological digital ID interfaces? Remember, you don't exist unless you have a cell phone. No Dual Authentication, no digital access.

This is how the insidious social engineering of bug infected control freak humans prey on our society. How they steer billions of people into purchasing cell phones, line up for injections, don a mask, allow a Q-Tip to be shoved up their nose, mail out their DNA, they make the current system, that use to work JUST FINE, so inoperable, so broken, the chattel will literally BEG for fulfillment of the nefarious Hegelian dialectic.

The Bond of Obedience

December 17th 2024



December 16th 2024

Wetiko Mind Virus

The Disease of Wetiko

...imperialists, rapists and exploiters are not just people who have strayed down a wrong path. They are insane (unclean) in the true sense of that word. They are mentally ill, and, tragically, the form of soul-sickness that they carry is catching...the wetiko disease, the sickness of exploitation, has been spreading as a contagion for the past several thousand years. And as a contagion unchecked by most vaccines it tends to become worse rather than better with time.


Love is the Norm for Humanity. Brutality is an Aberration

I have come to the conclusion that imperialism and exploitation are forms of cannibalism and, in fact, are precisely those forms of cannibalism which are most diabolical or evil…Cannibalism, as I define it, is the consuming of another’s life for one’s own private purpose or profit….Thus the wealthy exploiter ‘eats’ the flesh of oppressed workers, the wealthy matron ‘eats’ the lives of her servants, the imperialist ‘eats’ the flesh of the conquered, and so on… the wealthy and exploitative literally consume the lives of those they exploit.


There are enormous metaphysical implications in believing in the reality of windigo, which are, sadly, beyond the scope of this paper. It would require us to admit of the possibility of other-than-human people, monsters, and psychic contagion or transmission of affect along the lines of that described by Lisa Brennan (2002). Brady DeSanti (2018), a member of the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe tribe of Wisconsin, cautions us not to under-estimate wetikos, laconically remarking that it “becomes clear after learning about the windigo that while the Ojibwe universe may bustle with innumerable kinds of people, all of them are not favorably inclined towards harmonious relations.”

And the Infection Spreads...

December 16th 2024

The Drone Prophet

Drones can be a whole other Pearl Harbor Day of Infamy kind of attack that's launched from inside the United States.

—Erik Prince

Drones are Dominating the Battlefield, and America Should be Worried

The era of drone warfare has officially begun, and it’s revolutionizing the battlefield. America no longer has a monopoly on drone technology, and the U.S. Military needs to take notice. Russia recently launched the world’s first fully autonomous land-air drone attack using technology available to all of America’s enemies, including terrorist groups. Meanwhile, Israel has discovered the drawbacks of drones, which make it difficult to fully prevent civilian casualties.

Or Perhaps a Covert Private Military Attack Used to Start the Next World War

December 15th 2024

I Spy a Mind Virus


December 14th 2024


Counter-UAS Authority Security, Safety, and Reauthorization Act

Federal law enforcement officials make the case for expanded drone authorities

FBI, DOJ and CBP officials ask House lawmakers to give state and local authorities coverage permissions for unmanned aircraft systems.

As the use of unmanned aircraft systems in U.S. skies surges, federal law enforcement agencies want Congress to expand their authorities to deal with the growing threat.


A Bill to reauthorize and reform counter-unmanned aircraft system authorities, to improve transparency, security, safety, and accountability related to such authorities, and for other purposes.

Mystery Solved

December 6th 2024

The Colonization of Planet Earth

The human species has been infected and literally invaded by a non-human intelligence that operates within the realm of consciousness. A parasitic insect like species IS the hidden hand that runs and controls the earth. It hides because it is weak and can not exist when exposed to the light of Truth. It's protection is the darkness. All strife, conflict, perversion, and destruction are manifestations of the infected minds of humanity. We are all infected to some degree. The weakest among us are literally controlled by this parasitic invasion of consciousness. Historically this was called demon possession. These creatures hide in human consciousness and operate through the influence of the human perception of reality. Control the perception of reality of the dominant species, you control the planet. Humans do the work for this non-human invasive species via proxy. The structure of our society is non-human because it is THEIR SOCIETY not ours. This false construct is NOT an expression of OUR indigenous True nature, it is an ancient, external, foreign installed debilitating mind virus. Humans are completely unaware of this stealth control emanating from the darker depths of consciousness. Our free will has been subverted, distorted, and destroyed by this invasive infection. They enter our consciousness and breed through extreme trauma. Trauma is so antithetical to the natural order and designed intent of the creator; it acts as a vulnerable exploit for these creatures to hack into a human container, root and capture. That is why children are such a priority to them, as children are the most vulnerable among us. It is a lot harder for these dark creatures to enter an adult human. They are obsessed with human children in order to reproduce and increase their numbers. We have remained completely vulnerable because we are unaware of this type of invasion. Invasion though the infection of our consciousness. It is essentially a software hack of the biological technology we call a human being. The Bug is here and has been for a VERY LONG TIME. The only way to defeat it is to expose it. To shine the light of awareness into the consciousness of humanity so it can not hide. We must be aware of this and FIGHT it head on. That is why we have been instructed to Love one another because through Love, we provide the solution to heal and expel the parasites. Fear, death and destruction are its food. By Loving one another, we starve them out.

Love Conquers All