
Pain and suffering exist to teach us Truth. Tragedy is denial of Truth until the bitter end.
April 25th 2024


The foundation of our profane, archaic, broken and completely insane society is based on Language. A group of people get together and using language determine what is "law" and "policy" and record these words on a medium called paper. The terms "Official" and acting under "Official Capacity" are only deemed valid. Again all within the context of language while a population of flesh and blood pumping experiencers existing in this miraculous 3D reality are bound to and limited by false and empty semantics.

I couldn't think of a more absurd construct to base human society on. Mankind is more than left brain language, logic and reason. We are physical creatures experiencing reality on many different levels. We Imagine. We Create. We Feel. We Love. If language is the foundation of the structure of our society then it is also the remedy. DO NOT CAUSE HARM. There. Those four words have just solved every problem mankind has and will ever face. But I didn't cause harm - HE DID! Language immediately gives birth to the LIE. To falsehood. To the accuser. How can we ever solve any problems within the flawed context of language where there is no distinction between a Lie and Truth? We are living, breathing, loving, empathic, creatures. Are we to shove the multi-dimensional nature of our being into this confining box of language and words? This pitiful reduction of the miracle of existence and reality into utterance and glyph?

Until we mature as a species - and I don't know if it is even possible within the constraints of the current flawed constructs of society - we will never solve ANY of our deeply rooted problems. What is the cause of all our problems? SELFISHNESS. Until we can address the flaws in ourselves - mostly externally imposed - NOTHING will EVER be solved and mankind will continue repeating the same mistakes OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER again. This childs game HAS TO END! If it doesn't, Earth and Nature WILL END IT FOR US.

The Lie Gives Birth to Fruitless Articulate Wordsmithery, Crafting Clever Circular Arguments Nurturing the Tree of Death and Destruction...

April 21st 2024


That Continues to be My Wish...

April 20th 2024

"Men" of Science

You're not Scientists, You're COWARDS!

April 16th 2024

Powering Underground Cities

Valuable spent reusable uranium fuel that can be used to generate an abundance of electricity has been falsely declared dangerous and then conveniently stored underground despite plants having been built to store its spent fuel on location. This critical resource is considered more valuable than platinum or gold, yet it is deemed toxic waste. What else is underground that happens to require an unlimited supply of electricity? Underground cities powered by nuclear submarines. Yes, you read that correctly. There are massive secret underground cities built specifically for the Continuity of Civilization, powered by nuclear submarines using spent nuclear waste as a virtually unlimited fuel source. No one has any idea this mind-boggling massive engineering project even exists.

Biggest Psyop in Human History

Scaring the public is better than a lock and key.

Once again we see another massive covert psyop deployed on the populous. Ensure the public is very afraid of nuclear waste so that surface facilities are eventually decommissioned and closed down. All while quietly acquiring the valuable spent fuel that is used for an almost limitless generation of electricity. Move it underground to provide power for clandestine cities where trillions in public wealth has been diverted to build these civilization preserving bunker facilities to house the EL-ite in their Anglo Saxon Mission.

The Disappearing Act

How soon before we hear about prominent VIPs on the surface suddenly dying? Exiting stage-left and moving to their safe and secure underground protected and abundantly electrified fortresses? Waiting out the coming storm only to rise again and claim the inheritance to THEIR New World.

The Great Reset...

April 15th 2024

The Dawn of a New Day

God blesses those who are humble, for THEY will inherit the WHOLE earth.

The Anglo Saxon Mission (2005)

Our source suggests that the reason for this whole Third World War scenario is that then the Western governments, with the Chinese out of the way, will be in a state of such totalitarian control of their own population that they will be best-equipped to recover and rebuild the “new world” after a cataclysm. And he thinks that this is what’s happening

And I have to tell you that this terrible logic makes sense to me, that they would think that way. I’m not for a moment agreeing that this will happen. I think this is wild, crazy stuff, but if they believe that it’s going to happen, then this could be their justification for this kind of plan that we’ve heard about is really being discussed.

What Does the Phrase "Dawn of a New Day" Really Mean?

Who Will Inherit the New World?

Jesus Christ! This Shit is REAL?

Remember - All I'm Offering is the Truth

Oh God!

I had NO Idea...

April 12th 2024

Tit Tat

Welcome to the Covert War...