
Government has no rights. People do.
April 15th 2023

Consciousness and DNA

I think there is a misconception about this end of age transition commonly referred to as ascension. The theory is - that our DNA will activate from the stellar energies present as our solar system sojourns through the galactic plane resulting in an evolutionary transition of life on planet earth. I have recently acquired a new perspective on this perplexing phenomenon. I think the change in consciousness we see occurring all around us today is the fist phase of this transition. The growing and expansive frequency modulation of our consciousness carrier wave will trigger our DNA antenna into a sympathetic response transforming its structural information blueprint, tuning it to the higher harmonic of our evolving consciousness field. DNA responds to consciousness not the other way around. I suspect this transition is a slow and natural process and we are all living though it right now. I also suspect this is why human DNA and mRNA is being maliciously tampered with on such a massive scale.

Everyone is moving through this transition at their own pace and many are not going to make it. Their consciousness is not ready to transition. They are unable to handle the new frequencies and over time, will just not be able to function properly and will destabilize. They will either consciously or subconsciously choose to leave this realm one way or another. This is an EITHER/OR situation. Either you transition, or you don't.

See you on the other side...

April 7th 2023


The Babylonian money changers have been running the world with their parasitic system of theft for thousands of years. Bleeding civilizations dry until they kill off the host and move on Scott Free to the next Great Reset. Allowing a new host to rise up. It is an ancient technique taught to them by the Elohim. Money, war, destruction, death, is how they rule planet earth.

After World War II, the British Empire merged with the United States establishing the USD as the new global reserve currency. The city of London is the money center, DC the attack dog muscle and the Vatican is home of communications with the Dark Lord below. The esoteric brains of the cult operation.

Black Blood

Through the veins of empire runs the black blood of the petrodollar. All nations are forced to settle trade in petrodollars. If not, you will be invaded, your leadership killed or replaced through stolen elections, attacked by weather warfare - burned, starved, frozen and or flooded, sanctioned, unseated by a "color" revolution, or hit with an earthquake. Just ask Turkey about that one. This is how the global mafia rolls. Forcing nations into submission. Use the dollar or be destroyed.


Today, there is a growing alliance of nations uniting to bypass the stranglehold of the dollar. This group is called BRICS. Make no mistake, BRICS are the mortal enemy of the Federal Reserve Anglo/American Empire. Today we are in the unique position where the parasitic ponzi has reached its natural conclusion and is ready for inevitable collapse. The ONLY way forward for Empire is WAR. Brute force will be used against Russia and China to destroy them and preserve USD dominance for another century. All roads ALWAYS lead to war.

Trust The Plan

The only way to win this war is to take control of all dangerous high tech weapons. If there ever was a "Plan" to trust then this would be it. Insert Trump into office as diversion and political juggernaut. Permit top brass friendlies in the Military to covertly lock up nukes and clandestine high tech. Let the criminals believe they are in full control. Have them expose themselves to the public. Give them enough rope to hang. When the time arrives and their existence is threatened as nations start dropping the dollar, the only move left is World War. Pull the fangs and claws from the beast and let it bleed out until it is dead. If the force option is removed or at least greatly diminished, they are DONE. They CAN NOT recover. Their money is powerless without deadly force to back it up. If the rest of the world walks away from the USD, and there is no war to force nations to use it, then...

Game Over. Thank You for Playing. Have a Nice Day